

An extensive collection of family history materials, plus reference books on local history are available for those seeking information about ancestors and the history of northeast Georgia.  There is census information, military records, family genealogy charts, maps of the area, and documentation of historic events relating to Elbert County.

A knowledgeable volunteer is also available to help with specific family searches and information needs.  Requests for her services can be made with a quick phone call to the Library (706-283-5375) or by e-mailing a librarian at the addresses noted in the Ask a Librarian section of the Info Gathering page.  You may download the latest version of our family history resource by clicking the link below.

Family History Index  (143 KB)

The Library has archives of local newspapers, including the Elberton Star, going back to the late 19th century. Much of this information is available on microfilm as well as in bound editions.  In addition, there are a number of online databases available through the Galileo family of electronic databases. (a fee-based service) and Heritage Quest databases are available free of charge within the Library, and there are now two computers available specifically for use with genealogy research. 

Occasional genealogy classes are taught at the Library.  When scheduled, these will be noted on the Events & Classes page of this website.

The Elbert County Library offers a extensive local Genealogical collection and Family Vertical File.  Many of the Family Files are the results of the tireless efforts of local volunteer genealogists.  Please click the link below to download our Family History Index.

In addition to many books and files of local families and histories, the library has local newspapers: The Elberton Star, Examiner, Beacon and Leader on microfilm from 1888 and The Elberton Star and Examiner in bound copies from early 1900’s. GALILEOexpress_link_1 offers access to databases and licensed websites such as (library edition), Census Data, Archive Finder, and ArchiveGrid, HeritageQuest, digitized historic newspaper archives from Athens, Columbus, Macon, Milledgeville, and Atlanta, the Digital Library of Georgia, as well as links to the Georgia Department of Archives and History website and many other resources.

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Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris
condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet
risus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat
porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.